Wednesday, September 2, 2009

in which I rant about SAA

It's only been a kajillion years since I posted, but things have been NUTS. I have started back to work, which I hate. That's not entirely accurate. I love what I do, but I hate leaving Dexter, even though he's with family. However, after my SAA rant, I do have a super cute story about him.

SAA. Saxonburg Area Authority, known to me only as Saxonburg Area Assholes. Let's explain, shall we? A few weeks ago, we received notices that they were closing the road we live on to do construction (i.e. put in new pipes). The road would be reopened on August 31 and would be available to residents and emergency vehicles. This happens pretty much yearly, so no biggie right?

August 17....SAA rips up the entire road. To be expected. Super! Fun! Neato!

August 18....SAA is MIA.

August 19...oh were we supposed to work today?

August 20...Um, dude, was wondering, is SAA gonna show up today?

August, the road is looking fine with all it's f'ed up goodness.

(anyone noticing a pattern here??)

Let's fast forward to August 28, because no sign of the construction crew until then.

August 28...omg, has hell frozen over? SAA is here. Dexter and I are headed out and being the intuitive person I am, I immediately think, wasn't it supposed to rain like insanely bad today? Before we get where we're going (a 10 minute drive) it begins said pouring. Now, I know it's a complex situation here, but can you guess what happened? Yes, friends, SAA quit working.

August 31...(remember, supposed to be done today) SAA shows up like, sheeeeeeeeeeit. we totally have to finish this job and we have basically done nothing. note the piping laying all over the place and the gravel to finish up still sitting in like 23,453,232 piles in the grass along the road. I finally get home from work to find gigantic holes all over the road. Um, how the hell do I get to our house? I know, let's go in the parking lot where the 1 bedroom efficiencies are and drive through the grass. Ha!

September 1...SAA is like, hmmmm do you think anyone will notice that we're total douche nozzles and that we haven't finished the road? nah, we'll just sneak up on in and keep working. I finally get home from work and once again, there are gigantic holes all over, only this time, I can't even get to the previous day's parking lot. So I turn around and go around the block and sneak in the other side.

September 2...SAA shows up, dude I think they know. crap, dude, just stand around the back hoe and maybe we'll blend and they'll think we're like hanging out. I get home from work. They aren't done and I doubt they will be by the end of the week. Seriously, we live in Pennsylvania, road work is like our state holiday, orange cones/horses our state animals, we know road work. But to do nothing for 2 weeks and then try and make up for it the week all the schools go back. GAH~

Okay, Dexter story. We go to get him this morning and put him in his car seat to go to PapPap's. First of all, he's laying at a 90 degree angle around the corner of his crib, bwahahahahahaha. Rob picks him up and he has managed to get his arm out of his sleeper sleeve and up through the neck hole. It was HILARIOUS. We laughed so hard we woke the baby up, who then looked at us and cracked up. I love it! Then tonight, I was rolling my tongue and making a noise, and he was totally trying to do it. My kid is awesome. Truly, awesome!!!

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