Monday, March 19, 2012

Oh hi spring....

I cannot believe this weather!  It's just crazy how we've gone from mildish winter to a week with 80's in the forecast.  Um did I mention it's March. In western PA.  Where my poor little guy has the possibility of a blizzard with an early April birthday?

This is what we've been doing....

going for a walk...Dexter loves this, he's just making a weird face!

One of those rare in the front yard moments...

Hi Mommy!   
How have you been enjoying this weather?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

2 months

Dear Annie,

I know, I know, we hit 2 months last week.  Girl baby, you might as well learn now, sometimes your mommy procrastinates.  Figure this, you'll come by it honestly.

You went to the doctor yesterday and you were 11 pounds 4 ounces and 23 inches long!  Wow, you are getting too big!  We didn't love that doctor yesterday, did we?  She definitely didn't make you or Mommy feel comfortable, but it was a lesson in life babe.  We're done with that doctor, I promise.   Maybe she was having a bad day.  And yes, she did contribute into Mommy having a rough night and day today, but you know what Grandma always says?  Disappointment builds character.  Well I wouldn't say we had disappointment yesterday, just unkindness, that in turn will make us stronger women.

Doodle, I cannot believe you've been with us 2 months!  I'm sitting and watching you doze in your swing.  You are so peaceful.  I treasure these days with you and Dexter.

Speaking of Dexter, do you know how much he loves you? He thinks you are something special baby, and we agree.  You could not ask for a better big brother.  He tries to include you in everything.  You just smile at him like he is the king of the world.  He loves that!

We love you baby girl!